Thursday, September 24, 2020

A promethean kind of freedom

This is truly the freedom that libertarians and liberals have been fighting for, and I want none of it.  Over at the Huffington Post a woman writes this about joining the Satanic Temple after RBG's death.

In the hours after Justice Ginsburg’s death, I sat wondering what the future would hold for my daughters. Their ability to live in a country where the religious beliefs of others would not play a role in their right to assert autonomy over their own bodies was suddenly, starkly, in danger. Traditional means of keeping abortion safe and legal seemed woefully inadequate to protect the rights that women in the generation before me had fought so hard to secure. 

Almost immediately I sought strength in the Satanic Temple’s efforts to turn religious arguments on their head by pushing for religious liberty for their members on an equal basis with believers in the dominant Christian faiths.


There is a real chance that the Supreme Court will be lost for a generation or more to justices appointed for their religious beliefs rather than a deep understanding of the Constitution or a desire for justice to be carried out on an impartial basis. Because of this, I believe that the Satanic Temple ― and its members’ dedication to fighting for true freedom ― represents our best, last defense against anti-choice lawmakers who are seeking to assert power over women’s bodies and take away our right to choose. 

All she ever wanted was to live in a world where her daughters kill their daughters without those pesky moralists getting in the way.  They say they don't actually worship Satan, but they're sure doing damnedest to make sure that he gets his child sacrifices.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Pedo Joe are thankfully a part of the faction that has already lost. 

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is hidden that won't be revealed. For me, it was revealed a long time ago. For you, it may not have needed to be revealed, or it was revealed longer ago. I think some need to see to the Satan-worshipers literally worshiping Satan. For the other side, the intellectual excuses are decreasing and the requisite self-deceit is increasing.
