Tuesday, September 8, 2020

They're watching

Even though it may be better for kids than sitting in government indoctrination prison for 8 hours a day, virtual public learning is inviting the enemy into your home. 

Not only are they busying themselves with what is in your home, but if you show any indication that you don't subscribe to their dogma, they will send the authorities to your house.  This is not the most concerning thing, however.  The most being that he thought that his camera was turned off and that the teacher only saw it when reviewing the recorded session.

From this we can assume they are recording all of these sessions.  This year, your state government, federal government, and/or video host provider (Zoom, Citrix, GoToMeeting, etc) will have vast collections of recordings of you, your children, and whatever is in your home.  

All this is just one more reason we need to reject whatever 'services' they offer.  Homeschool, or die.

1 comment:

  1. Judging from the description, I'm pretty sure the toy from the description is a Nerf gun. How sick and bloated is this monstrous system where a little boy can't play with a Nerf gun in his own room? How are there still parents who are allowing these people inside their children's bedrooms?
