Monday, October 26, 2020

Fauci waffles again

Regardless of the varying degrees of belief in the novel coronavirus I've seen in my peers, the degree of belief bestowed upon the establishment officials has dwindled.

So “if people are not wearing masks,” Fauci concluded moments later, “then maybe we should be mandating it” (video below. Relevant portion begins at 3:49).

As for CNN’s later claim that the doctor called for a federal law, perhaps this is wishful thinking. Or maybe the station was reading Fauci’s heart and mind, and such a divination certainly wouldn’t be fanciful. More likely it was sloppy reporting in which the writers’ own statist assumptions influenced their interpretation.   

But more damaging is the deceptive and deceitful reporting underlying this whole issue. First, Burnett in her interview lent the illusion — which Fauci happily capitalized upon — that the doctor has been a prudent, steady hand issuing sage counsel and sober warnings that went unheeded by the dastardly Donald Trump.

In reality, on January 21 and February 29, Fauci said the virus was not a major threat and that Americans didn’t have to change their behavior; moreover, he then claimed in an Easter Sunday interview that he’d advised the government to impose social-distancing measures in February. So he was either lying then or lying on February 29.


You’ll note that Sweden’s positive-case number did spike upwards beginning mid-September and has continued rising. So the media touting that are telling the truth — just not close to the whole truth.

As the second graph shows, the number of China virus deaths has remained constant, not spiking one iota, since July 31. Sweden had zero deaths Sunday and zero on Saturday. In fact, the week beginning Oct. 19 was the nation’s best since the “pandemic” began, with only two COVID deaths recorded (weekly charts below).

If you’d ask, “Why worry about increased ‘infections’ if the death numbers remain low and constant?” go to the head of the class. All Americans become infected with cold viruses (also in the corona category), and the WHO informs that 67 percent of people worldwide carry herpes simplex type 1, the “cold sore” virus. Yet we don’t worry about this because it’s health and life that matter, not whether our bodies carry microorganisms. That’s normal.

It'll be good to have four more years of swamp draining.  We can always do with fewer parasites.


1 comment:

  1. Just found your site. May I make a suggestion about your "Sites" list on your sidebar? (I made the same suggestion to Anonymous Conservative, and he agreed and implemented it.) Your first link is to "Vox" -- and my eyebrows went up and I thought: "lordie, if you recommend Vox -- that horrid liberal rag! -- then you haven't anything to say to me!" But I checked the link, and it is, as I'd hoped, a link to the Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil -- so now I WILL be reading around your stuff. -

    Please always differentiate in your mentions between solid sound amazing writing (the Dark Lord), and evil SJWs working to destroy us ({shudder})!
