Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Corporate Christianity

The issue with Corporate Christianity is that it is always more Corporation than Christian.  

I went to Liberty University for the 2004-2005 school year (and failed about 60% of my classes, I was busy attending my future wife's classes) and they weren't very concerned about the type of student they accepted.  The school was more concerned if you were wearing flip flops or shirts with collars than the precepts taught by Christ.  Growth and money were paramount.  Evangelism class was simply a corporate attempt to use emotions to rile up students into literally participating in a call back, "Jesus is WHAAAT?"  "Jesus is AWESOME!".....  If you happened to be less enthused about it you could expect your grade to be docked.  Freshman class was about creating snitches.  They wanted you to know that if your roommate had any contraband - tobacco, R rated movies, etc - that you would be held responsible for it as well.  Remember, it's about towing the corporate line, personal relationships with Jesus be damned.

If your "Christianity" revolves around what is most certainly a corporate culture and not the teachings of Christ, you follow a very different god.  Letting yourself be cucked for 7 years is the antithesis of Christianity, but not Churchianity...

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