Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Church, Inc. Subsidiary Rebranding

One of Church, Inc.'s major American subsidiaries will be changing it's name to the "Great Commission Baptists". Not in greater service of Christ, mind you, but out of reverence to the BLM/antifa movement.

The Southern Baptist Convention is set to rename itself, with the group’s president citing the ongoing Black Lives Matter riot movement as an imperative for the change. The group no longer wants to be associated with the American south.

Our Lord Jesus was not a White Southerner but a brown-skinned Middle Eastern refugee,” the organization’s president, JD Greear told the Washington Post. “Every week we gather to worship a savior who died for the whole world, not one part of it. What we call ourselves should make that clear.

Now that they have become large enough they can make a play to remove any traces of culture from their members.  Dropping 'Southern' from their name will not change the fact that most of their congregants are in fact, Southern.  

The pastor at our last church, deeply rooted in the SBC's International Mission Board, was on a rampage to destroy the local church culture.  You can read a bit about that here.  Removal of the written word, removal of the traditional music, removal of the people, and finally what I believe was the removal of the God, and a welcoming of a very different god.

We live in the reign of the god of this world.  He is attempting to strip your identity and beliefs to form you into a part of the Babelist [read: globalist] agenda.


  1. Where do you think the indoctrination into convergence happens for most of these so-called pastors? The seminaries? Is it even worth trying to go to a four-wall church anywhere?

  2. Seminaries are probably the primary source. It's college for pastors. The god of this world has been making headway into education in the public sector for a long time. No reason to think he wouldn't do it there too. Just a small lie, accepted, can change the face of everything taught.

    Remember, church doesn't have walls. If you happen to have a church that seems less converged, then absolutely stay there and make yourself part of leadership to keep out the rot. It's about the only way at this point.
