Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Birds of a feather

Flock together... This means that, of course, there are plenty of pedophiles and sex predators over at Netflix.  

Federal agents executed a search warrant on the home of a prominent Netflix star and Joe Biden surrogate on Monday as part of an investigation into potential child sex crimes.

Jerry Harris is most known for appearing in the Netflix documentary Cheer, which is about organized cheerleading competition. He’s also appeared as a major Joe Biden surrogate. Harris appeared in a digital Joe Biden campaign event as recently as June.

Federal agents reportedly carried out a raid on Harris’ Illinois home in Monday, investigating illegal sexual conduct between the Cheer star and minors. Harris has been accused of sending sexually explicit conduct to minors, asking for explicit photos and asking to meet for sex.

Harris deleted posts on his personal Instagram featuring his campaign appearances with Joe Biden sometime after reports of the warrant were published. His social media accounts are still online.

The little ray of light in this is that some people appear to be waking up.  Netflix's stock is falling in coordination with their recent release.

It might just behoove the FBI to start going through the hard drives of all filmmakers that have a contract with Netflix. If the blatant child pornography in Cuties is what they willfully show you, what do they have yet in the shadows?  Anyone still paying for Netflix at this point is either willfully ignorant or knows exactly what they're paying for.

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