Monday, September 14, 2020

They don't really mean it

Recently, my wife got an email from a local church inviting moms back to mom's group.   The verbiage included "just come as you are (you can even wear pajamas!)".  This church is one she has been involved in and was great to see such an invitation after they shut down basically all events due to Covid19 fears.  My wife wanted to test the waters though.  She replied asking "When you said come as you are, does that mean masks are not required?"

They quickly responded saying that masks are required and the only way she could attend without a mask was via Zoom.

The Churchian leadership are Prometheans.  Many good people will be fooled and many more will go along willingly.  The lyrics of the droning modern "worship" song Come Just as You are even refutes their current stance.  The song itself being a debauchery and inversion of the classic hymn Just as I am.  The new position is "Come just as you are unless you don't have a mask, we fear corona more than Christ."

Come just as you are
Hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever

Remember, we are not given a spirit of fear.  God calls us all to himself and He doesn't require a mask, he requires repentance.  

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