Monday, September 28, 2020

Never apologize to the mob

Fellow Virginian and farmer Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms has given into the pressure and issued an apology in his blog post titled "APOLOGIES".

I'm mortified that careless words could make others think I feel like that toward them.  So please forgive the heated and racist-sounding sentence; I absolutely understand and appreciate why you'd be offended, and I'm sorry.  That was certainly not my intent and I'm wiser for the lesson.

It took awhile to process the depth and specificity of the offense, but I get it now and will better articulate my thoughts in the future. 

This was offered as an apology for comments he made in an email earlier this year stating that "I would suggest that the BIPOC [black, indigenous, people of color] folks who feel America offers them no opportunity should give up all modern conveniences and return to their tribal locations and domiciles."  

Instead of apologizing for that statement, I think he should gone a different direction.  All black, indigenous, people of color, white people, so on and so forth, should simply return to their tribal locations and domiciles.  This is a central tenant of nationalism.  It does seem as if an inert understanding of the truth of nationalism may be the very thing that tempers his libertarianism.

Either way, he made a mistake in apologizing.  Never apologize to the irrational mob, it only creates justification as to why they were beating you senseless in the first place.

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