Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Two wrongs don't make a right

This is not exactly word for word, but a very close retelling of a conversation that actually happened at my workplace today.  Mind you all of my coworkers are both right-leaning and Trump supporters.  Coworker 1 is a single dad with majority custody of his son, and coworker 2 has two sons. 

CoWorker1:  I think that Amy Barrett is a religious nut.  I don't think they should do anything to Roe v. Wade and they will if she's confirmed.  So my son will be screwed if he has sex and the girl doesn't want it [the baby]?  What happens then?  She cries rape so she can still have the abortion and my son is fucked.

Me:  Don't fuck until you're married then.

CoWorker2:  Nah...   I tell 'em you've gotta try it before you buy it.

Me:  I could never give my kids advice that would make them statistically more likely to get a divorce

CoWorker2:  [Incredulously, knowing I have a hot wife] So you didn't have sex before you were married?

Me:  No.

CoWorker2:  Oh, well uh...good for you man.

Me on the inside:

Two things here, the first being is that the assumption of coworker 1 is specifically that the only thing you can do to prevent your son from falsely being accused of rape is to allow child murder in your society.  Instead of allowing murder to prevent rape, how about teach your son some self control.  Second, coworker 2 would knowingly give his sons bad advice to prevent having to face his own past misdeeds.  It is literally making the truth anathema to yourself in the same way that the god of this world made the Truth anathema to himself.  

This is why Jesus reminds us that the world hates us.  The world will hate truth and it's adherents the same way Satan hates God.

1 comment:

  1. Just wonder if those coworkers would consider themselves Christians. If so, they have some mighty strange ideas on how to teach their children Biblical values.
