Thursday, October 1, 2020

Projection and delusion after debate

If you needed a strategical breakdown to educate yourself on why President Trump needed to behave the exact way he did during the debate, look no further than USSA News.

Consider that reality and ask yourself what strategy would be most effective against it? In war, you accept your opponent’s strengths and aim to find a weakness to outflank them. Often, that means utilizing their devious plotting and hubris back over on top of them, shocking them to make the wrong move. President Trump developed his approach, opened the flank, and took all the chess moves off the table. Here were his strategic goals:

  • Neutralize the only real threat to him on the stage – Chris Wallace. Trump knew Wallace planned to run interference whenever Biden got on the ropes, including playing the “that is not true sir” fact-checker on the spot. Wallace was to be Candy Crowley 2.0, but only a fool would make the mistake of thinking Trump was as daft and easily manipulated as Romney. It is personal for Wallace as he viscerally loathes Trump. The President’s immediate full-frontal charge at Biden forced Wallace early on to defend and placed him in a position of fending off Trump’s interruptions rather than deploy his stealth operation against Trump. Wallace, in the end, looked petty, biased, and an incompetent moderator. And Trump landed all his blows against a Biden without his protector to deflect.
  • Keep Biden on the defense the whole debate. Trump successfully kept Biden from filibustering, something Wallace would have tolerated, and made Joe retreat from answering direct specific questions. Biden struggled with rebuttals and rarely successfully pivoted. Trump was getting under his skin, and after a series of astounding name-calling and false accusations, Biden got exasperated and showed anger. If that debate had gone another 15 minutes, Biden would have blown sky-high.
  • Flush out and force Biden to alienate the progressive left. As described above, Trump thumped Biden so meticulously that he was abandoning his own platform (Bernie’s Marxist Manifesto). Of course, he is not going to be the one in the driver’s seat if elected, and so the progressive agenda is still an acute threat, but those progressive voters out there in America who were already nervous Biden was giving lip service will likely stay home as they did in 2016 after his betrayal. Trump totally exposed the weak “woke-ness” of Biden. And Biden’s team and the media elite’s reactions to the debate reveal they know it.
  • A brilliant general knows, in war, the alpha male is far more victorious than the beta. There can be no doubt who took control of that stage last evening. Suburban moms may feign repulsion, but most of them will have their DNA betray their virtue signaling. In the words of the character Nicholson played in the movie, “a few good men:”

    You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall — you need me on that wall.”  

  • The recent uptick in violence and riots will walk into that voting booth in November, and women will vote Law and Order and alpha male. Trump also understands the Latino culture and how they respond to alpha males. Check out the Telemundo poll:

The right predicts a future based in observable reality, the left can only project ex post facto.  There was no shortage of Republicans I know stating that Joe Biden would be on cocaine or adderall to help him with the debate.  Don Lemon is now deep into projecting as he claims that Donald Trump was on adderall.  Now, he very well could be, but he looked no different from normal.  We have been prevented this season however from seeing Joe Biden enough to even discern what his normal might be.

Despite Trump's clear strategic win in the debates, the gammas on the left are trying to inflate their delusion bubbles by doubling down over at  Sleepy Creepy Pedo Joe's betting odds are "increasing" there as they try to lie to themselves about their chosen candidate.

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