Friday, October 2, 2020

How should a Catholic vote?

Jeannie Gaffigan, the hot pocket comedian's wife, tries to tell us why it's the right and proper thing for a catholic to vote Democrat.  

The pope has had his own strong words for American Catholics in recent months. Following the killing of George Floyd, Francis said in a message to the people of the United States, “We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.” The dignity of the human person extends to all of us created in his image, both in the womb and out of the womb. As a Catholic I desire to support a society that strives to protect every life. Systemic racism in our culture has led to such economic and social inequality that it is virtually impossible to have a “culture of life” without addressing the fact that we have been complicit in a long history of devaluing our fellow human beings based on the color of their skin or the way they came to this country.

Can we really sit in our homes with our private health insurance and judge our neighbors who have nothing? How can we strive to heal the tragedy of abortion without acknowledging the deep wounds and life-threatening crises that drive people to it? How arrogant we are to condemn women of any color living in poverty, faced with the unimaginable and horrific circumstances that would drive them to seek an abortion, without taking a good look at how we have failed them by not offering adequate health care, child care, education and employment opportunities? Do we ever stop to think about how far we are from achieving a “culture of life” in light of the well-documented and video-recorded police brutality against Black Americans? Are refugee children, homeless pregnant women or the prisoners on death row not also “society’s most vulnerable”?

Her logical thought process goes something like this.  

  • Abortion is bad
  • Republicans created a system that might cause people to seek abortions
  • Yes, democrats love abortion but they want to make the system better
  • Therefore, vote for the people who are actively trying to make more laws allowing something that I already agreed was bad...

In order for that logic to work she would have to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Republicans didn't just work to create a bad system, but instead worked specifically and actively to make laws that allowed people to go out and legally murder these "women of any color living in poverty".  

I would guess that voting is not terribly important in God's eyes, but if one chooses to vote that it would be fairly important to Him that you not vote for people who actively create laws allowing abortion. 

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